Strawberry Fields’ daily activities are designed to explore and develop the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in the following areas
- Communications and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Mathematics
- Literacy
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Children are encouraged to be independent, to love learning and to explore through a range of self-chosen planned activities, adult-directed activities and individual or small group learning.
The children are encouraged to play in Imaginative Role Play areas and read or listen to recorded stories in the Book Corner and Listening Stations. There are additional opportunities for exploration, investigation, and discovery through sand and water, construction toys and puzzles and well as interactive touch screens, computers and programmable toys.
Our enthusiastic and dedicated staff offer children an excellent, exciting and enjoyable curriculum. In addition to gaining language, mathematical, scientific and technological skills, they are encouraged to develop enquiring minds, to question, reason, critique, negotiate, problem solve and make decisions. Our curriculum is active and creative with many opportunities for learning indoors and out. Each child is supported every day to ensure that they may reach their full potential.