The Strawberry Experience
Excellence, Joy, Learning, Creativity, Respect, Inspiration and Community.

At Strawberry Fields we aim to excel.
We believe that it’s only by excelling that we can lead your children to reach their full potential.
To do this we provide the highest standard of education in the most enabling environment to bring out the best in each child.
We hold on to the best of tradition and harness it to the latest in innovation.
We are not alone in believing that we offer excellence. OFSTED has awarded Strawberry Fields its highest grade of ‘outstanding’ in every inspection.
Its reports refer to us as ‘exceptional’ and ‘stimulating’, ‘committed’ and ‘exemplary,’ ‘inspirational’ and ‘passionate’. We are proud that others see us achieving the high goals we set ourselves.
We want all of our children to associate learning with enjoyment. We want them to come in each day with a sense of anticipation and to leave with a feeling of fulfilment.
We want them to build positive relationships and to be excited by their teachers, their classmates and their learning.
We believe that all learning is a process of exploration and discovery fuelled by our natural curiosity.
We discover things about the world and things about ourselves.
Discovery should be an uplifting process that helps us to become the people we were meant to be.

During their time at Strawberry Fields we see the children embark on their journey into wisdom, knowledge and comprehension.
They make the first basic connections that create the foundations of their education.
Through playing and exploring using a rich variety of resources, they arrive at better understandings and ways of doing things.
They ask questions.
They develop strategies.
They become critical thinkers.
As parents you will notice that your child has come a long way; he’s blossomed, she’s become fulfilled; she’s flourished, he’s reached his potential.
There is a special emphasis on the expressive arts at Strawberry Fields. We introduce our children to the wonders of painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, acting and story telling.
We invite poets, actors, musicians, puppeteers, illustrators, authors and cartoonists to visit us and share their talents.
We don’t consider the arts to be a luxurious extra but one of the primary ways by which we all enter the wonderful journey of exploration.
Rich experiences of art awaken the imagination and allow creative thinking to percolate into other areas of learning and into life itself.

Each child that comes to Strawberry Fields is unique and finds themselves valued, cared for, and protected.
Our school is a place of affirmation, respect, safety and laughter.
We not only show the children kindness but expect them to display the same to each other.
We acknowledge that learning is best enabled in an atmosphere of love and respect.
We want our children to become strong in their emotions and independent in their spirits.
Strawberry Fields exists to inspire and stimulate its children.
From the moment they pass through the school gate they enter a world where the senses are invigorated and the mind is moved. They learn to play and they play to learn.
The mosaics on the entrance wall are meant to be touched, the paintings in the hallway are to be gazed at, the sand in the class room is to be filtered through fingers.
Stimulation can come through something as ancient as a drum or something as modern as a computer. The goal is always the same. We seek to provoke the imagination encourage exploration and increase intellectual curiosity.

The school is a community of children, educators, parents and carers. Each role is equally important. When people become part of us they feel as though they have entered a new family. When they leave us they still feel part of that family.
We encourage this connectivity through our weekly newsletter, social evenings for parents and our celebrated family events such as the Winter Fair, Sports Day and Summer Party.
The Strawberry Fields community is also part of the Notting Hill community. We have forged good relations with nearby businesses and residents and through parent-generated fundraising have given back to local schools, youth clubs and hospital units.
Strawberry Fields makes a difference.
It makes a difference to our children.
It makes a difference to Notting Hill.
It makes a difference to our world.