Strawberry Fields Forever…

Why Strawberry Fields?
Maureen Turner started the school with her own two children in mind. She had previously been teaching in maintained schools as well as performing as a professional singer.
When it came to thinking about a name she wanted something that was child-friendly and colourful but that also suggested her musical background.
She thought of ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ by The Beatles. Although she didn’t know it at the time, John Lennon had been partly inspired by a Liverpool children’s home known as Strawberry Field in whose grounds he played as a child. It was his place of refuge, innocence and imagination.
Strawberry Fields. What a perfect name! It suggested a place of colour, fun and fruitfulness where growth was encouraged, delight was experienced and music was heard. The strawberry has since become a useful and recognisable symbol of the school from the bright red fruit on sweaters to the sophisticated gold strawberry of its latest design.
The Building
Maureen Turner established Strawberry Fields in Notting Hill in September 1986. It moved to its present location in 2007.
Located in the heart of Notting Hill, the nursery occupies two remodelled floors in the wing of a landmark church. Decorated and equipped to the highest standards, the property has combined the latest in educational design and state-of-the-art technology with original architectural features to create an enchanting learning environment.
Children, parents and carers are immediately welcomed by the entrance garden especially created by Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winner Andy Sturgeon. A beautiful photographic gallery of pupils, past and present, lines the walls of the entrance hall, along with stunning art canvases and ceramics created by the children. The classrooms are spacious and bathed in natural light.
The ground floor also houses the school office and a large, modern kitchen which is used by the children for cooking. Another unique facility is the extensive church hall which the nursery uses for sports, dance, performances and events.